HETEROTROPHIC (AEROBIC) BACTERIA - diverse group that utilize oxygen in their growth. Largest group, important in nutrient recycling nutrients for plant availability. Also help in suppressing plant diseases.
ACTINOMYCETES - capable of breaking down many complex chemical substances such as chitin and cellulose, improving soil crumble structure and assist in reduction of plat pathogen pressures. Very effective in alkaline soils.
PSEUDOMONADS - very nutritionally versatile and capable of degrading many natural and synthetic organi compounds. Also contribute to decomposition and nutrient release process by attacking a wide variety of organic substances including humic acids and synthetic pesticides. Some have been linked to the biological control of plant pathogens.
ANAEROBIC BACTERIA - capable of growth without oxygen, good decomposers, valuable part of overall food chain.
Mpact® contains a full spectrum, well balance poplulation of the above microbial groups designed to rejuvenate and bring into balance the indigenous microbial colony found in the soil on which it is being applied.
Since Mpact® is made as a bio-mass it is frequently misconstrued as a fertilizer. This is not the case; we extract the spores of beneficial microbes that naturally occur in our controlled bio-mass. They interact with the organic matter in our controlled bio-mass during our multi stage fermentation process which causes the soil to produce nutrients the plant can use. Usually this is a slow process and requires a lot of time and bio-mass. By using Mpact® you are reducing the amount of time required for decomposition and nutrient release. In addition, the microbes interact quickly with commercial fertilizers and convert them into usable nutrients for the plant. The main function you should focus on is how increased microbial populations and activity can shorten the amount of time required to decompose fertilizer (natural or commercial) making its nutrients available to the plants in a timely manner with less residue. Mpact® is designed to make everything in the soil work synergistically so as not to continually abuse and mine the soil, but in fact start helping to restore and maintain a good fertile soil while allowing the grower to produce his crop year after year.
The focus needs to be on the importance of having and maintaining a robust microbial colony in the soil as it relates to the soil food web. The beneficial microbes the Mpact® provides are an important part of this food web. Not only do they help provide nutrition to the plant, but are also the very first link in the food chain of a healthy soil. Their presence insure a food source for larger creatures (protozoa, earthworms, etc.) that are essential to a fertile soil. Each of the larger creatures feeds on the links just under it in the food chain and this chain's first link is the microbes. Some of the benefits that a healthy soil will give the grower are: reduction of crusting and compaction, better water penetration, better water utilization, release of tied up minor/nutrients, better root bundle development, proper pH balance for the crop, easier tilth, healthier plants with better developed immune systems, and few pathogens, to name a few.
You need to think of the soil as a giant living organism that has very complex needs. If these needs are maintained, the soil will allow the miracle of plant growth to occur year after year. The first of these needs are the single cell microbes that are found by the billions in Mpact®. That is why Mpact® can help man cultivate even the poorest soils when used with a good fertility program.