Gene Roggenkamp, Garring, NE - Mpact® on Beans:
It's one of the best products I have ever found. It makes the crops look & produce good. We rotate wheat & soybeans. This is the second year for beans.
Planted 5/7/09 -165,000 population
Sprayed 6/1/09 - Roundup & Mpact®
Sprayed 7/2/09 - Roundup & Mpact®
These beans are pioneer y series bean. We used this product since 1998. I would advice everybody to least try it and see what we saw. It Works!
Don Bilyeu, Mpact® on Hay;
Bruce Moran from Enviro Products had told me about Mpact® soil treatment. Bruce gave me a sample and asked me to try it on a sample plot. I picked out a spot of about two acres. About two months later I turned the cattle in. The next day I noticed all the cattle seemed to stay in one area. I realized that the area the cattle were eating was the very spot Mpact® had been applied. The cattle ate there until the grass was eaten down.
I applied Mpact® on a twenty acre hay field of Fescue & Clover last Fall and again this Spring. I bailed 128 bales of 5x5 round bales in June. Normally the twenty acres produce 80 bales. I unroll my bales when I feed. I would have to use a hay rake and windrow the uneaten hay and burn it. In the past two years since I applied Mpact®, the uneaten hay is soon gone.
Carmie Fletemeyer, Mpact® on Clematis:
In late spring or early summer, after my Clematis had been blooming for several weeks, I decided to replace my trellis around the deck with some that were two feet taller. In doing so, I injured many of the Clematis and the leaves turned brown and brittle. I had no choice but to prune them.
One in particular Comtese de Bouchaud, was the most affected, turning brown all over. Needless to say, I was quite upset. However, there was nothing to do but to prune it severely, which I did, to twelve inches above the ground. I thought surely I had killed it. Remembering the sample of Mpact®, (liquid cow manure from lactating cows) we received from our convention speaker, of Enviro Products Corp., I decided to try it on my Clematis. I mixed it according to directions and applied it to the Clematis, then waited anxiously. Before long, it started to grow and soon was 5-6 feet with a multitude of blooms.
About this time, our Northwest District was putting on a flower show " A Garden of Melodies: in St. Joseph. My husband built me a little arbor, and I put together an education display on Clematis (my first attempt). With the actual display of the Clematis, I had pictures of my other Clematis and handouts on raising and pruning Clematis taken from Raymond J. Evison's 2nd Ed. Making the Most of Clematis. I was thrilled when my entry for the Rock Port Garden Club not only won a blue ribbon but also a special educational award. This was the one time when catastrophe turned into elation.